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Mount Gay, Eclipse, Gold Barbados Rum


Country: Barbados
Region: n/a
ABV: 40.0%


The taste has some of the sweetness and fruits, smooth and burning.

86 points at 2010 Ultimate Spirit Challenge.

Mount Gay is widely recognized as the world’s oldest rum producer and they don't seem to be too coy about it either.On the front label, of the heavy bottle with a classic bubble neck, is printed a map of Barbados where it says Mount Gay has been producing rum since 1703, which would make the tradition of making rum over 300 years.                                               

Mount Gay Eclipse is gold with strong legs that after a swirl in the glass leave several small droplets behind once it has begun its slow descent deeper into the glass. The presence of the droplets and the strong legs give clues to the rums sweetness.                                                                                                       

When introduced to the mouth, Mount Gay Eclipse is cool and has a quickly disappearing taste of tequila. The taste has some of the sweetness and fruits that were introduced in the aroma, its quite smooth and has a decent burn in the throat .





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